Using Metaphors to Visualize Problems is Like a Massage for Your Brain

“Jealousy feels like everybody in the world getting ice cream brought to them on the couch and you get none” – Olivia, age 7

Writing teachers must be doing an incredible job.  The young people I see in therapy are masters of descriptive metaphor when it comes to describing the challenges they face in life and in how they might overcome them.

brain-massageRecent brain research has uncovered some of the potential healing benefits of thinking in metaphor.  A 2008 study found that the sensory areas of the brain are activated when we hear a metaphor.  Imagining yourself to be as ‘cool as a cucumber’ might send soothing signals to your brain in a stressful situation.  Metaphors can bridge the mind/body gap, allowing us to understand our experiences and connect to our physical sensations, which can help us reduce stress.

Therapists have long understood the benefits of metaphor in helping clients shift perspective and unlock old ways of thinking. Metaphors can help a therapist and client visualize a problem more clearly and envision new solutions that might be difficult to imagine when one is focused on the immediate context and detail.

Olivia struggles with sharing her mother’s attention with her twin brother.  Her comment above allowed us to talk about her feelings in a way that was removed enough from the anger she felt towards him that she could contemplate different possible ways of dealing with them.

ME: And who brings the ice cream to everyone else?

HER: The mothers!

ME: And what do you want to tell all those mothers?

HER: I want some ice cream too!!

ME: And what happens if you get some ice cream?

HER: I’m not so mad at the rest of them and it’s fair.

From here, we were able to talk more about how it felt when her brother was getting more attention than she was and she was able to feel a sense of control and calm that wasn’t accessible to her when she was angry at her brother.

Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from visualizing through metaphor.  Jarvis is a self-described worrier.  

“I’m always focused on the worst possible outcome.  I can’t even enjoy a night out because I’m thinking about what it will be like if things don’t go well.”

“Sounds like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“Yes that! Exactly”

“Maybe there’s only one shoe.”

I asked Jarvis to picture one shoe hanging above the floor.  Then I asked him to see it fall to the ground and to imagine looking up again to see no other shoe.  “What is it like to know there isn’t a second one waiting to fall?” I asked.  He told me he felt he could keep his eyes focused forward.  He said he felt his chest loosen and his shoulders relax a bit.  His homework would be to call up the image of the shoe whenever he started to imagine what might go wrong and see if that helped him stay a little more focused on the present. Two weeks later, he reported being much more able to enjoy himself, though sometimes he confessed to imagining the second shoe.

Think of a problem you are currently facing.  How might you use metaphor to describe it?  What metaphors are you already using and not aware of (Are you painted into a corner? Are you walking on a tightrope?) Rather than focus on the details of your problem, imagine the metaphor as literal.  Can you see yourself holding an umbrella to balance you across the high wire or finding a creative way across the painted floor?

Creating a visual picture can help you become more flexible in dealing with challenges and may reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress you’ve been experiencing.


Tips to Tackle Stress

CaptureThe countdown to the end of the school year has begun.  With students only theoretically connected to their chairs and final marking period deadlines looming, teachers and students alike are bound to be feeling stressed.

Here are some stress-preventing tips you can share with your students in these final weeks:

Stretch Out Stress: You could probably use a break from standing and the students might love a chance to be out of their seats and still be following directions.  Stretching releases endorphins, the body’s natural stress reliever.

Color Me Relaxed: Coloring books for adults are the latest craze in stress-busters.  When is the last time you picked up a set of new, sharp markers and just colored?

Tune Out: Did you know that singing increases the flow of oxygen to your brain and lowers blood pressure? Can’t carry a tune? Don’t worry, humming one note or sound has many of the same benefits.  How about a round of ‘name that tune’ next time you have a few minutes before the bell?

 Stay Connected:  While the students may not have any trouble chatting with their friends, you may have let your relationships take a back burner to work.  A quick text, email or call to a friend can remind you that you’re not in this alone.

When in Doubt, Write it Out: Whether it’s stream of consciousness, doodling, poetry or daydreaming about your perfect summer vacation, journaling can help you disconnect from the stress of the day for a few minutes.  Spelling and grammar don’t need to count when the journal is for your eyes only!

ROFL: There’s a reason it’s called the best medicine. Laughter releases endorphins, increases the flow of blood to the heart and increases the immune system.  If your classroom is internet-ready, why not check out a doggy day care web cam for some quick laughs, because puppies.

Above all, attention to sleep, water and healthy food will help protect you from the end of the year demands so you can finish the year with enough energy to enjoy your well-earned break.


Surviving or Thriving?

I did not inherit my mother’s natural talent for gardening.  Even the silk plants in my care have shriveled and lost leaves.  So it was with some doubt that I approached my goal of starting a small indoor garden this spring.  I thought I would start with an aloe plant from a clipping a friend gave me.  They seemed hearty enough to survive my black thumb.  I potted a couple in small pots and set them on the coffee table.  After a month or so, I noticed that the plants had not grown at all.  In fact, the leaves, though still plump, were drooping and turning a little brown.  The plant was surviving, it was alive, but no one looking at it would say it was a thriving plant.

Many of us find ourselves in a similar position in our work and lives.  We get up every day, we do what we are ‘supposed to do’, we might even do it fairly well.  When asked, we say we are ‘fine’, or ‘can’t complain’, then we get up the next day and do it all over again.  We are surviving, but are we thriving? To thrive is to ‘grow and to flourish vigorously’. Thriving entails a sense of passion for what we are doing, a joy that is present in our interactions with others and a sense of wonder and curiosity for our experiences.  It requires stepping outside of our comfort zones, being OK with uncertainty and purposefully attending to what is positive.

In her research on what keeps teachers in the profession, Sonia Nieto found that thriving teachers are those who make genuine connections with their colleagues, students and families; who are focused on the present and on the positive and those who feel compelled to give back to their school communities.  Environments that encourage collaboration, risk-taking and creativity are essential.  Without these things, in environments that stress standardized teaching and hierarchical decision making, teachers burn out.

It turns out, aloe plants don’t like to live alone either.  My friend told me to take them out of their pots and let the roots completely dry up in the sun.  That sounded crazy, but when I repotted the two together in a new pot, with soil that was tailored to their specific needs, and placed them in a sunny spot on my porch, they began to thrive.  They have grown several inches in the past few weeks and I have learned a little more about stepping back, letting things happen and taking in the sun.


Five Not So Commonly Considered Causes Why the Holidays Are Stressful

holiday stress

Holidays can be the most enjoyable and the most stressful times of the year. We are all familiar with the common causes of stress associated with these annual events such as financial pressure, fatigue, and family pressures, but there are several less known but equally potent factors that rob people of their seasonal celebrations. The following list represents some of the lesser known reasons and the explanations why:

Loss: While the holidays are typically times of celebration, they can also conjure memories of persons who are not present. The holidays are associated with loved ones no longer with us, conjuring memories and eliciting feelings, which although may be happy, simultaneously cause us to feel pain. This loss also involves the aging of children, our own progression toward later life, and a realization of what we didn’t accomplish in the year that we had wished to. Because the holidays come at the end of the year, we tend to reflect backward, focusing on what we have lost. While this is a very common reaction, it may leave us feeling empty. If we give ourselves permission to celebrate the person or loss, so they can be brought into the present, we can share the sadness and joy with others, leaving us feeling less alone.

Old Wounds: Holidays can be life triggers, sending us back into the experiences of our childhoods; not just to the happy times but also to the hurts and traumas we carry with us. Whether we are talking about family dynamics, such as not being treated like the favored child, or not receiving love the way we needed to feel secure (the love we needed so as to feel secure), we are often reminded of these insecurities at holiday time. During the anticipation of being around family, we are transported into our early years, back to when we didn’t know how to negotiate for what we needed. We sometimes forget we are older and hence more capable of protecting ourselves without isolating or lashing out.

Lack of Self-Care: While we are rushing around trying to accomplish the myriad of tasks that keep us busy in our ordinary lives, we now add the burdens of the holidays. Running around shopping for gifts, preparing foods, being slowed in traffic, or simply keeping it all straight in our heads, means less time for taking care of ourselves. We might not want to spend the money or just not have the time to eat well, exercise, take quiet time or just breathe, leaving us feeling depleted, like it’s a race to get finished. Learning how to be in the present, enjoying each moment to its fullest, allowing whatever outcome may happen, frees us of valuable energy.

Expectations: The need to have everything just right so that nobody is disappointed and everybody has a good time, is a certain formula (is an almost definite formula) for depriving ourselves of peace. The need to have things just right, is a huge burden that’s amplified on holidays. If we don’t get just the perfect gift to express our feelings for somebody or spend the right amount of money, we risk (real or perceived) being judged as a bad friend or family member. If we don’t have the house looking right inside and out, we aren’t a well-balanced person who can handle the pressures of work and family. Our expectations drive us to setting the bar high, which can more easily lead to disappointment. We look ahead toward outcomes instead of enjoying the moment, which can be changed with something as simple as breathing. Get into your body and experience what it’s like to let go and be free.

Diffusion of Responsibility: The priority for getting the house in order, the food made, and the guests to feel welcomed, nearly always falls on one partner more than the other. If you are single, the success or failure is all your own, but if you are in a family, there is rarely a balance. This is the case for two reasons. Firstly, it’s the female who is largely graded on being a good hostess. Whoever wonders to themselves, why didn’t the husband keep the house neater or spend more time stocking the refrigerator?

Try not to get discouraged by these five weighty obstacles to happiness during the holiday season. Simply by becoming more aware of their influence, you are more than halfway toward overcoming them. If we attend to the stressors that typically lie outside of our awareness, then we are less likely to get agitated, and thus decrease the strain on our relationships. Letting others know our reactions creates opportunities for support, which means we don’t have to go through it alone. For more ideas on how to deal with stress of all kinds, consider taking one of our many courses on teachercoach.